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Young Europeans Volunteering for Europe


2022 - 2024

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YEVE is a project funded by the European Parliament that supports young people supports young people, especially with fewer opportunities, from disadvantaged and diverse backgrounds, to acquire relevant knowledge and competences in order to become active and engaged citizens and become actors of change. YEVE aims to achieve these objectives by running a series of training sessions (online and in-person), for a group of 42 young people from 7 different countries. These sessions will teach them how EU institutions and policy making works and how they can engage with it and shape the Union’s future. When the programme ends, the young people will go on to use their influence and social networks, as well as the platform which we will encourage them to sign up to, to spread awareness about what the EU does and how it works to other young people. 

With this in mind, the Specific Objectives of this project are:

  1. Encourage and facilitate the active engagement of European young citizens with construction of a vibrant European democracy

  2. Raise the awareness among young people on how the European Union works and on the democratic role of the European Parliament and empower them to become active citizens and to play an active role in the democratic life, including by participating in European elections. 

🟠  “I Volunteer for Europe because we all need…” 🟠

The YEVE project Ambassadors (co-funded by the European Parliament) share their perspectives after 7 months of developing and increasing their knowledge about the European Union Institutions and democracy, their skills in public speaking, campaigning and detecting fake news.


YEVE Ambassadors Campaigns





Gaudeamus Igitur

SafeNet EU


European parliamentary elections

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Humans of Rijeka


Hand in Hand

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Anxiety episodes and anxiety disorders

Mental Health of Teachers

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Mental Health Matters

Leaking Future

Green European Act

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Erasmus Mobility

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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