Volunteering Hungary – Centre of Social Innovation
Full member
Contact information
Marczibányi tér 3.
1022 Hungary
Tel: +36 1 225 0710
Fax: +36 1 225 0711
Email: onkenteskozpont[at]onkentes.hu
Website: www.oka.hu
General information
The mission of Volunteering Hungary – Centre of Social Innovation – Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány (ÖKA) – is to promote and spread the idea of voluntarism by serving as an information and resource centre in Hungary. It seeks to connect individuals with NGOs and thus strengthen solidarity in the Hungarian society.
Volunteering Hungary – Centre of Social Innovation offers its services to different actors in society (individuals, NGOs, government, local authorities, institutions and companies). The services of the Centre are open to anybody and are free of charge for NGOs and individuals.
The long-term goals:
*To create an environment in Hungary in which the majority of individuals volunteer regularly
*To ensure that NGOs are well prepared to host volunteers
*To encourage and facilitate public support of volunteering and to involve the different sectors of society.
Recruitment, registration and referral of volunteers
Registration of volunteer placement possibilities at NGOs
Training programmes
Review of the legislation on volunteering
Promotion and information for the media
Carrying out of surveys and research
Organising local and countrywide programs, events (e.g. Volunteers’ Week)
Setting up a countrywide network of volunteer centres
Web Portal on volunteering (www.onkentes.hu)
International relations for the Hungarian volunteer sector
Corporate volunteer programmes
Our ultimate aim is to create an environment in Hungary in which the majority of the individuals volunteer regularly