WHAT WE DO > Celebrating Volunteering > Vote Volunteer Vision
Vote Volunteer Vision

This time I'm voting!

CEV launches the Vote Volunteer Vision campaign in preparation of the 2019 European Parliament Elections building from the previous campaign we implemented in 2014. Download the toolkit and the pledge and communicate with EP candidates to make sure the 5Rs agenda on volunteering in Europe is supported by elected MEPs.
The German conservative coalition CDU/CSU
(member of the EPP group) and the following
EP candidates pledge to support an Intergroup on
Solidarity and Volunteering if elected:
MEP Brando Benifei (download the pledge here)
MEP Michaela Šojdrová (download the pledge here)
MEP Flavio Zanonato (download the pledge here)
Rosapia Farese (download the pledge here)
MEP Simona Bonafè
Andrea Bellavite (download the pledge here)
Mao Valpiana (download the pledge here)
Tommaso Grassi (download the pledge here)
Andrea Ventura (download the pledge here)
Alessia Cerentin
MEP Patrizia Toia
Sara Ferri (download the pledge here)
Caterina Avanza (download the pledge here)
Elisabetta Pezzini (download the pledge here)
Alessandra Moretti
MEP Tiziana Beghin
Carmine Pacente (download the pledge here)
The campaign aims to:
Support voluntary sector organisations in their advocacy work at national level by providing tools to be used in the interaction with the 2019 EP election candidates.
Raise awareness about the role of the members of the European Parliament in strengthening the volunteer infrastructure in Europe.
Draw attention to the need for an Intergroup on Volunteering in the European Parliament.
Reveal future possible co-operations between MEPs and other volunteering stakeholders.
Encourage citizens to vote and make decisions on their choice of candidates on the basis of EU issues that matter to them.
CEV has prepared a toolkit that will help volunteer centres and volunteer-involving organisations ask the EP candidates “What is your volunteer vision?”. Candidates are invited to express their views on different volunteering policy areas. The candidates are also asked to sign a pledge to support the creation of an EP Intergroup on volunteering.
CEV encourages all volunteering stakeholders to make use of the toolkit that can be personalised to include logos and contact details.