Centrul de Voluntariat Reşiţa
Associate Member
Contact information
Petru Maior no. 2, cam. 220
320100 Reşiţa, Caras-Severin
Tel: +40 255 224033
Fax: +40 255 224033
Email: voluntariat_resita[at]yahoo.com
Website: www.voluntariat-resita.ro
General information
The Volunteer Centre of Resita is an NGO that started in 2004 as a project for a public-private partnership between local NGOs and the municipality of Resita, a small industrial town located in the South-West region of Romania. It came in response to the need to have an intermediary between the call for volunteers and the availability of Resita’s community members, mainly youth, to do volunteer work.
Besides it’s volunteer matching role, the Volunteer Centre supports and promotes the recognition of the value of volunteering within the community. It is in the centre’s aims to promote nonformal education through volunteer work and support NGOs’ capacity to offer volunteer services in the community. The centre gathers and manages local volunteer resources and initiates its own activities, and supports the initiatives of volunteers. The Volunteer Centre of Resita gathers mainly young people who get involved in activities in different domains, such as art, social care, environment, culture, leisure, sport etc.
Our regular activities involve recruiting, training, placing, mentoring, motivating and evaluating volunteers at mainly the local, but also in regional and national projects. At the local level we are working towards the promotion of responsibility and civic activism through: training in the field of youth and street animation; intercultural learning and project management; organising street animation events; carrying out information campaigns and volunteering promotion activities; marking international events on the local level; regular volunteering activities within the community; outdoor team-building training for the volunteer centre’s team; collaborating in the management of the educational and leisure activities offered by the community Youth Centre.
Since 2007 we have been part of the National Network of Volunteering Centres in Romania. On the international level, our organisation has also been active since 2005 within the framework of the Youth (in Action) Programme by hosting and sending participants on youth exchanges, seminars and training courses, and in 2008 we became members of the Youth Express Network (YEN). Since 2005, we have also worked on long-term projects on innovation in non-formal education and have functioned as an EVS sending and hosting organisation, have worked within the Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme and collaborated with US Peace Corps.
We also aim to conduct research on volunteering. This activity has so far been sporadic, being developed within the framework of volunteer training. It was, however, realised in 2007 with a book entitled ‘Carte despre Voluntariat’ (‘Book about Volunteering’), one of the few books on volunteering in Romanian at the time of its publishing.