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Vote Volunteer Vision Campaign

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Vote Volunteer Vision Campaign for European Parliament Elections 2024


Who will you vote for?
What is their Volunteer Vision?

As part of the post-crisis recovery process, CEV has called for policymakers to “Step Up a Gear regarding volunteering policies and programmes, explaining that this “change of gear” should include increased focus, intensity and speed of investment and partnership development with volunteer-involving and volunteer infrastructure organisations. CEV believes that this would lead to a situation that more properly reflects the importance of the energy, expertise, and commitment of volunteers for health, well-being and solidarity in Europe, whilst avoiding the exploitation of volunteers in for-profit settings.


That’s why, with the contribution of CEV Members, we wrote the Blueprint for European Volunteering 2030 #BEV2030 which explains what steps need to be taken by different stakeholders in order to make this a reality by 2030.

The following materials will help CEV members and other Volunteer-Involving Organisations to discover and develop the European Parliament candidates’ opinions on volunteering for 2024 EP Election, with reference to the #BEV2030.

CEV is very happy to announce the release of it's new volunteering anthem "Volunteering We Grow"Co-written and interpreted by Joseph Rojas and Madeleina Kay, the song is part of VVV Campaign which promotes the importance of strengthening the policies and actions of solidarity through volunteering activities with the support of the authorities, this time in the framework of the European Parliament Elections 2024. The first live performance will be during Civil Society Week in March 2024 at the EESC in Brussels.

To download Volunteering We Grow Song and Instrumental version: 

CEV also supports the Civil Society for EU campaign. Ahead of the 2024 EU elections, this campaign call on future EU leaders and representatives to fully unlock this potential by better recognising, supporting and engaging with civil society, so that we can meaningfully contribute to a better Europe. Find out here how Civil Society for EU plans to make this change a reality and read the Manifesto here

#EU24 #UseYourVote #EUelections2024

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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