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WHAT WE DO > European projects > Current projects > REVIVE > VERA 2024 > 2024 Sub-granting 

VERA 2024 Sub-granting (FSTP)

Implementation period: 1 April - 10 December 2024


CEV has the opportunity to allocate 179,600 EUR of subgrants to its member organisations as part of the VERA 2024 project. The overall aim of the subgrants, made possible through the EU CERV fund allocated to CEV as part of a Framework Partnership Agreement, is to build capacity in the volunteering sector to advance gender equality and tackle multiple and intersecting discrimination, involving the full diversity of genders and other discriminating factors especially as concerns people with disabilities.

Call and Selection Process

DEADLINE: Friday, 15 March 2024 (17:00 CET)

N.B.: Total amount of characters for the whole form (including spaces, points, commas, etc.): 32000

Granted Organisations by call's topics

Volunteering & Equality
Research & Consultation to discover the extent to which volunteering involves people/citizens representing the full diversity of genders and other discriminating factors, in particular people with disabilities.

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Rights & Action
Events, campaigns & Activities linking EU policies that facilitate the involvement of people with disabilities to volunteer, such as the European Disability Card, to active citizen engagement through volunteering contributing to resilience, the recovery process and society based on values and rights. 

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CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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