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Vote Volunteer Vision Campaign

Vote Volunteer Vision Campaign for European Parliament Elections 2024


Who will you vote for?
What is their Volunteer Vision?

As part of the post-crisis recovery process, CEV has called for policymakers to “Step Up a Gear regarding volunteering policies and programmes, explaining that this “change of gear” should include increased focus, intensity and speed of investment and partnership development with volunteer-involving and volunteer infrastructure organisations. CEV believes that this would lead to a situation that more properly reflects the importance of the energy, expertise, and commitment of volunteers for health, well-being and solidarity in Europe, whilst avoiding the exploitation of volunteers in for-profit settings.


That’s why, with the contribution of CEV Members, we wrote the Blueprint for European Volunteering 2030 #BEV2030 which explains what steps need to be taken by different stakeholders in order to make this a reality by 2030.

The following materials will help CEV members and other Volunteer-Involving Organisations to discover and develop the European Parliament candidates’ opinions on volunteering for 2024 EP Election, with reference to the #BEV2030.

VVV Logo + VERA.png

Vote Volunteer Vision Campaign Launch | 21 March 2023

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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