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#VERA Trainings

Volunteering Equality Rights Action
Project Number: 101104521
(Revealing European Values In Volunteering in Europe - REVIVE Project No. 101051131)
CEV aims to empower more people from more diverse backgrounds and contexts to volunteer. For this, we want to build capacity in the volunteering sector for increased inclusiveness and in this way strengthen democratic participation, bringing citizens closer to the EU in line with the objectives of the “new push for democracy”.
The VERA project has a focus on making volunteering more inclusive and representative of society as a whole, involving the full diversity of genders and other discriminating factors and reducing traditional divisions between the “helpers'' and the “helped”. In this respect we are linking our activities closely to the: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025; EU antiracism action plan: EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation; LGBTIQ Equality Strategy; and the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism. All the planned work and activities in 2023 build on the success achieved in 2022 under the CERVIS project.