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The Volunteer Centre in Denmark
Full member
Contact information
Albanigade 54E, 1. sal
5000 Odense C
Tel: +45 66 14 60 61
Fax: +45 66 14 20 17
Email: info[at]
General information
The National Knowledge and Development Centre of Volunteering (Center for frivilligt socialt arbejde) was established in 1992 on a national basis to promote and support the development of voluntary social work in Denmark.
Services and Activities
We offer a range of services to support volunteers and voluntary organisations. Our services are also offered to the public authorities and others co-operating with volunteer organisations, and we provide information on voluntary social work for the public and the press.
We offer our consultancy freely to volunteers and voluntary organisations. Our advisers answer questions concerning a variety of subjects, for instance: How to set up an organisation, the tasks and responsibilities of a committee, regulations, insurance and fundraising. Our advisers also answer specific questions such as: How do you recruit volunteers? How do you keep volunteers in your organisation? Is it possible to fire a volunteer? Can you do voluntary work if you receive welfare benefits?
Our advisers use the knowledge and qualifications that you already have in your organisation as a starting point, and the aim of the consultancy is to give you information and to point out possibilities that will enable your organisation to solve its own problems.
Training and education
Every year we arrange a series of courses for volunteers which deal with different subjects, for example co-operation, fundraising, personal resources, PR and management. In addition to the courses we arrange a series of seminars, and participation in the courses and seminars is free. Twice a year we publish a catalogue describing the courses and seminars.
Development of organisations and networks
We offer consultancy regarding the development of your organisation or networking between different organisations. The aim is to provide the organisations with tools and methods to develop an attractive environment for volunteering. Among other things we focus on the organisation and management of voluntary work, on the motivation for volunteering and the possibilities for volunteers to learn and develop, for example through experience groups and networking.
Also, our advisers offer assistance in developing co-operations and partnerships – either between organisations or between organisations and the public authorities. We help start the process by creating dialogue, reflection and clarity of the role of the participants, their values and their standpoints. The purpose is to create knowledge of the conditions for an equal co-operation between the parties.
We arrange conferences on topics of current interest for volunteers. An example is the December Conference that takes place every year and celebrates the international volunteer day on 5 December. At this conference volunteers meet with colleagues, researchers and others in order to discuss and share knowledge and experiences.
Knowledge of voluntary social work
We gather and build up knowledge of voluntary social work and this knowledge is the foundation of the work we do. We communicate the information and knowledge through our consultancy and our courses, in pamphlets, books and reports and in our magazine Frivillig that we publish 5 times a year and in which you find information on subjects of current interest for volunteers. We publish “Social Vejviser”, a database with addresses and information about Danish voluntary social organisations. You can find the database at our website
If you are interested in further information, please visit our website, where among other things it is possible to order publications or to subscribe to our magazine Frivillig. You are also welcome to call us. Our number is + 45 66 14 60 61, and the phones are open Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 15.00 and Friday from 9.00 to 14.00.

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