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Project Coordinator:
- Centre for European Volunteering (Belgium)


Project Partners: 

Out of the Box (Belgium)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Rijeka (Croatia)

University of Limerick (Ireland)

The University College of Teacher Education in Vienna (Austria)

Matej Bel University (Slovakia)

University of Granada (Spain)

SLUSIK (Service Learning Upscaling Social Inclusion for Kids) is a 2 year long Erasmus+ Project (2020 - 2022) the goal of which is to promote & support social inclusion by enhancing the acquisition of social and civic competences and fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of values and fundamental rights in school leavers.

SLUSIK aims to create a model of service learning for schools which will use non-formal methodologies to introduce school age children to civil society and volunteering related topics, highlighting the benefits of active participation, and enhancing awareness of challenges facing the local communities. This will enable a new generation to identify, understand, and create solutions for challenges in and around their communities. 

SLUSIK brings together 7 partners from 5 European Member States. This topic was chosen to be addressed based on the experiences of the 7 partner organisations who, through engagement in formal and non-formal education sectors, found a lack of social and civic competencies among school leavers, which consequently limited their ability to become socially involved adults. The project will help build bridges between the NGO, civil society sector and the educational sector to better foster civic competencies within school age children. 


SLUSIK aims to:


1. Increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of good practices in the relevant educational institutions and communities;
2. Increase use of state of the art innovative approaches in policy or practice;
3. Increase awareness, motivation and competence of educational leaders and educators with regard to inclusive educational approaches and the promotion of common values;
4. Adapt and apply learning practices to new target populations;
5. Use Supportive approaches and outreach practices from young people to young people as well as role model activities;

Projects outputs (publications):

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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