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SLipstream: “Service-learning in fostering youth civic engagement, diversity, and social inclusion in the CEE region”

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS.jpg

2023 - 2026

About the project: 

The purpose of the project is to foster and enhance the quality of opportunities for youth participation in democratic life and social and civic engagement in communities through the connection of formal and non-formal learning by creating the conditions for the development of service-learning strategy in Central and Eastern European countries (CEE region).


The project wants to create tools and conditions to implement service learning and to make it more exclusive, including the following planned outputs: 

  • Develop tools for SL award (website and tools for submitting the projects, manual for evaluators, manual for SL Award organizers);

  • Implement SL Award on a national and international level in 2024 and 2025; 

  • Package of tools for service-learning training;

  • Training of service learning;

  • Quality standards of SL projects;

  • An app as a tool for reflection process;

  • Developing advocacy plan, training for ambassadors of SL and organising advocacy events on national and European level.

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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