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The VOCIS (Volunteers as a Force of Solidarity in Times of Crisis) Webinar presented the VOCIS Europe for Citizens funded project and explored the real value of volunteering during crises. University researchers, volunteers, participants and partners of the VOCIS project shared their experiences before registered participants joined working groups to explore the different aspects more deeply.

“Volunteers as a force of solidarity in times of crisis” is a project funded by Europe for Citizens Programme. This  Project is an extension of the project "Optimising Volunteer Services in times of refugee crisis“ that was implemented during 2016/2017 and offered evidence-based recommendations for improvement of volunteering in times of crisis of which CEV was a partner. The project helps cooperation among organizations that work on volunteerism development and opens a space for dialogue on opinions of the role of volunteers during the refugee crisis and after, during the process of integration. The project partners have experience on organizing volunteering, developing policies on volunteering and working with refugees.

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CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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