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AGENDA > Events > Upcoming events > How to include the impact of volunteering in the VNRs of the SDGs? 

How to include the impact of volunteering in the Voluntary National Reviews of the SDGs?

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More than 20 participants took part in the CEV webinar on The contribution of volunteers in reaching the SDGs: How can this be measured and included in the Voluntary National Reviews? with the aim of discussing the contribution of volunteers in reaching the SDGs, how to better measure the impact of volunteers and include this in the VNRs, the role of CSOs in the VNRs and advocacy strategies to influence the VNRs.

Through the current practices at national and local level shared by the speakers, the webinar was an opportunity to exchange observations on the topics, and to inspire and support advocacy efforts in other countries.

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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