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WHAT WE DO > European projects > Current projects > REVIVE > VERA 2024 > REACT/VVV National events

REACT/VVV National events

In a context where, in many parts of Europe, volunteers, volunteer organisations and volunteering infrastructure organisations suffer from a lack of investment and absence of public and State support in recent times, this unprecedented situation highlighted more than ever just how critical volunteers of all ages and profiles are to our society, especially as a key partner of European Policymakers in the European Parliament.

Since the European Year of Volunteering in 2011 many countries have developed stronger and more appropriate legal frameworks for volunteering and the culture of volunteering has become more accepted and understood. The Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe (PAVE) published in 2011 has been a reference point for many of these developments. In 2021 on the 10th anniversary of EYV 2011, the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) has prepared the Blueprint for European Volunteering 2030 (BEV2030). Building on the strengths of; PAVE; the CEV Helping Hands Report; the 5R policy priorities & the CEV Valuing Volunteering Report, as well as incorporating links to the SDGs and acknowledging the changed landscape from 2011 until now, BEV2030 serves as the main and most up to date guidance tool for all stakeholders wishing to see the full potential of volunteering in Europe realised.

The main objective of this “Vote Volunteer Vision” (VVV) campaign is to contact candidates for the European Parliament elections to promote volunteering as part of their electoral program. The VVV Campaign aims for an increased investment and development of partnerships with volunteering-involving organisations and volunteer infrastructure organisations.

CEV Members implemented 20 VVV National events where they presented the VVV Toolkit and the Campaign.   

A total of 897 participants (282 male, 614 female & 1 non-binary) in 20 countries took part:

Belgium (BE) - 29 February 2024 with 87 participants (10 male and 77 female)

Bulgaria (BG) - 26 March 2024 with 18 participants (1 male and 17 female)

Bulgaria (BG) - 19 March 2024 with 35 participants (17 male and 18 female)

Croatia (HR) - 14 March 2024 with 12 participants (12 female)

Croatia (HR) - 22 March 2024 with 12 participants (12 female)

France (FR) - 28 March 2024 with 45 participants (22 male and 23 female)

Hungary (HU) - 11 March 2024 with 91 participants (25 male and 66 female)                                  

Italy (IT) - 9 March 2024 with 52 participants (18 male and 34 female) 

Italy (IT) - 23 March 2024 with 53 participants (34 male and 19 female)

Malta (MT) - 12 March 2024 with 77 participants (32 male, 44 female and 1 non-binary)

Portugal (PT) - 13 March 2024 with 73 participants (23 male and 50 female)

Portugal (PT) - 14 March 2024 with 14 participants (6 male and 8 female)

Portugal (PT) - 21 March 2024 with 46 participants (2 male and 44 female)

Romania (RO) - 28 March 2024 with 25 participants (9 male and 16 female)

Slovenia (SI) - 21 March 2024 with 16 participants (2 male and 14 female)

Slovakia (SK) - 13 March 2024 with 180 participants (60 male and 120 female)

Spain (ES) - 21 March 2024 with 37 participants (17 male and 20 female)

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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