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Plate-forme Francophone du Volontariat
Full Member
Contact information:
Rue Godefroid, 20
5000 Namur
Tel: +32 81 31 35 50
Email: info[at]
General information
The French-speaking Platform for Volunteering in Belgium is a non-profit organisation which aims to promote volunteering and defend volunteers’ interests in the french-speaking part of Belgium (French Community, Walloon Region, and Brussels Region). Composed of 25 organisations representing the main branches of the associative and volunteering sectors, its main mission includes: lobbying, information, and the promotion of volunteering.
The following activities are carried out by the Platform:
Lobbying: policy monitoring and providing a space for dialogue between members, for them to agree on common policy messages to be conveyed through different fora such as the Social Affairs Commission, the High Council of Volunteers, the European Volunteer Centre, the King Baudouin Foundation
Website and newsletter: management of the websites and with the aim of informing civil society and the NGO sector on volunteering, and for volunteer engagement
Exchanges: organisation of working groups, seminars, symposiums etc with the aim of advancing aspects of volunteering and volunteer engagement
Providing services: using our expertise to inform or support NGOs and advise public institutions and political bodies
Visibility actions: carrying out communication activities in order to raise awareness of volunteering and its value.

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