Pista Mágica – Associação
Full Member
Contact information
Centro Cultural Rio Tinto
Rua da Boavista, 4435-354 Rio Tinto
Tel: +351 229 730 235
Email: info@pista-magica.pt
Website: https://www.pista-magica.pt/
General Information
Pista Mágica is a non-profit association, recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization for Development (NGDO) that believes in the vast potential of volunteering and active citizenship as ways to transform society. Being the first Volunteering School in Portugal, launched in July 2008, it is a social innovative initiative, composed by elements with extensive experience and skills in the area, with complementary universes and common values.
In fourteen years of acting in the field and creating knowledge, we have grown – in size, in scope and in the desire to fulfill a Mission that has been gaining new contours: that of contributing to a greater culture of volunteering and citizenship – conscious and committed – in Portugal and in the world.
We seek to reinvent ourselves and, today, we are not just a School, but also an organization operating and managing volunteer programs especial focus in volunteering as a tool for inclusion.
The journey, which never ends, is made up of more than 36,000 people trained, more than 16 projects implemented (nationally and internationally), 11 books and manuals published, and a team committed to continuing to grow wings for a more attentive and voluntary.