WHAT WE DO > European projects > Past projects
Past projects
To define common quality standards in order to facilitate to voluntary organisations and institutions across the
EU the identification, promotion and development of good practices in the field of youth volunteering. [read more]
EVI-DEMS aims to gain a greater understanding of the current situation regarding the training and qualifications currently available to existing and potential volunteer managers. [read more]
This project aims to create a model of service learning for schools which will use non-formal methodologies to introduce school age children to civil society and volunteering related topics. [read more]
''TRANSVAL-EU is an Erasmus+ (2021-2023) and is based on a paradox. On the one hand, employers place an increasing importance on transversal skills. Yet on the other hand, transversal skills are only...[read more]
Aims to tackle prevention, promotion, and support in the field of physical and mental health. This project will address and improve the health of especially vulnerable young people including refugees from Ukraine.
The project targeted impacts will be to raise the profile of sport volunteers and the skills they gain, to increase volunteer recruitment and retention, and to smooth transition from voluntary to paid employment, thereby [read more]
Aims to combat the increasing loneliness that has emerged as a result of Covid lockdowns.
To promote social innovation within volunteering and education. It is CVSnet new project through which 50 educators and teachers coming from Csv and Cpia network will take part in one week training experiences at institutions specialised in education and social inclusion in Belgium, Greece, Portugal and Spain. [read more]
Inactivity levels are growing and the number of sport volunteers is diminishing in Europe; passive models and campaigns promoting physical activity and sports have their limits. MISSION 2030: ...[read more]
VOLPRIS.EU aims to invest in the qualification of volunteering management in prison to have a positive impact upon volunteers' daily work effectiveness, and therefore on reoffending rates. [read more]
A youth project aiming at great enhancing the recognition of Non Formal and Informal Learning and at providing youth-led organisations to implement internal systems of recognition of the competences of their volunteers.
A project aimed at increasing the quality of EVS-European Voluntary Service, especially the mentoring process.
This project develops at European level an innovative model that systematically brings together information about volunteers and their interests with volunteering opportunities locally and abroad.
Upgrading Validation will ease for volunteering organisations to include validation of skills and competences in their volunteer policy & for volunteers to be aware of the value of validation as part of the volunteer action. [read more]
The project helps to share the crucial lessons learned while facing migrant integration challenges at the local level and replicate good and proven practices in cities willing to build their capacity. It also aims to build the capacity of volunteer groups through contacts and exchanges with similar actors across Europe. [read more]
Development of a validation system for transversal skills and competencies acquired whilst volunteering.
Making it matter project will enable the creation of methods and indicators for impact measurement that will help volunteer involving organisations to understand the key benefits, and shape the most inclusive volunteer programs. [read more]
The project allows getting a deeper understanding of CEV's work and methodology in promoting volunteering Europe to allow exchanges of best practices and experience.
Aims to make a step further in recognising and promoting cross-border volunteering (through three events in Europe).
"Family Volunteering: A new form of engagement!" involves more than one person in a household or extended family, from different generations volunteering together. [read more]
Social Atelier aims to affirm volunteering as a way of informal learning, promote the concept of EVS and European Values, strengthen the international cooperation and partners, and develop the community.
This project is organised in the framework of the Action Line 7 Engaged European Citizens of the ARQUS program. [read more]
Volcar project's goal is to deliver guidance for volunteers to raise their employability by being better able to identify and describe their learning outcomes gained through volunteering.
NET-Age aims at strengthening the development capabilities of the Adriatic regions involved and the demographic process focusing on innovative social and healthy services to favour active ageing and independent living of the elderly.
The project promotes participatory democracy and aims to analyse internal participation and democracy looking at the relations with Politics and Public institutions.
It contributes to further strengthening of the role of volunteers in times of crisis in modern Europe. The specific objective is to provide evidence-based recommendations for the improvement of the voluntary services aimed at the inclusion of refugees on the EU level.