The National Council of Women of Malta
Associate Member
Contact information
Pope Pius XII Flats
Mountbatten Street
Blata l-Bajda
HMR 1579
Tel: +356 21 248881
Fax: +356 21 246982
Email: info[at]
General information
The National Council of Women of Malta (NCW) is an independent, non-sectarian, voluntary organisation based on adult individual membership and the affiliation of non-governmental organisations.
As a co-ordinating body it aims to:
*improve the status of women and the well-being of society
*present a broad and comprehensive view of women’s opinions on matters of national interest based on human rights.
The National Council of Women Malta, working with its affiliated associations, carries out research and studies and proposes polices on matters concerning different sectors of society in consultation with Government representatives, Commissions and Agencies, and Social Partners. NCW Malta is an active Centre of Learning for men and women. The Council comprises of a number of sub-committees covering different fields, namely Education & Culture, Environment, Health, Social Issues, Consumer Affairs and Youth, and addresses emerging issues and challenges at both national and global levels. NCW publishes a newsletter entitled “Il-Mara” every three months. The National Council of Women is a member of the Civil Society Committee of the Malta Economic and Social Council (MCESD), and represents civil society on the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Commonwealth Foundation.