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WHAT WE DO > European projects > Current projects > REVIVE > CERVIS > Collaboration with the European Parliament

Collaboration with the European Parliament

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Project No. 101051597
(Revealing European Values In Volunteering in Europe - REVIVE Project No. 101051131)

Throughout the year CERVIS activities were supported by an increasing collaboration with the European Parliament.

On June 29th the European Parliament Volunteering Interest Group met at the European Parliament hosted by Co-Chairs Michaela Šojdrová (EPP), Domenec Ruiz Devesa (S&D) and Irena Joveva (RENEW) with 25 participants from civil society to discuss the latest developments in European volunteering policy and to launch the #CERVIS MEP Volunteer “Job Shadowing” initiative.

In December, Domenec Devesa MEP (ES-S&D) and co-chair of the European Parliament Volunteering Interest Group, volunteered at the HUBHumanitaire in Brussels. Maria Walsh MEP (IE-EPP), also a member of the Volunteering Interest Group, regularly volunteered in 2022 in her constituency for a number of causes including women’s organisations, and those supporting refugees and people needing mental health support. Magdalena Adamowicz MEP (PL-EPP) from Gdansk EV Capital 2022 has also been volunteering in 2022 preparing meals for employees of the health care sector during Covid-19 pandemic, fundraising for hospices and for the “Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity”, in addition to helping Scouts to distribute Christmas presents to people in need.

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CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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