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Project goal:
Enhancing the mutual trust area, based on a common model and tools to value transversal competences in full transparency and transferability between VET, Volunteering and labour market
Implementing a dedicated service, able to foster the whole system at international and national level and to run at full speed.
Project results:
The enhancement of the model, coherently wit the ECVET, EQF and EU Passport systems
The e-Lever Space, including the infrastructure and the content for an easy access of the toolkit, the training and validation services
The pilots to test in each country the obtained products and
The set up of a valuable triangle system among the labour market, VET and the volunteering.
Lever Up Conference
Presentation: "VNFIL Position Paper" (Jo Peeters, EDOS Foundation)
Presentation: "Transparency and Recognition of Skills and Qualifications"
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