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WHAT WE DO > European projects > Current projects > REVIVE > CERVIS > Inclusive Volunteering Trainings

Inclusive Volunteering Trainings

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Project No. 101051597
(Revealing European Values In Volunteering in Europe - REVIVE Project No. 101051131)

In the context of a 4-year framework agreement grant under the European Union “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values'' fund (CERV) - “REVIVE” (Revealing European Values in Volunteering in Europe), the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) has organised a series of training and capacity building activities on “Inclusive Volunteering”. The Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) believes that volunteering should be for all, and that there is a role for anyone who would like to get involved and support their local community or organisations. Inclusive volunteering aims to ensure everyone can contribute to volunteering in a supportive and democratic environment based on equal opportunities. Creating inclusive volunteering requires proactivity on behalf of volunteer organisers if we want to  ensure to represent the communities and we engage within. It is not enough to state that we are inclusive, or that we are committing to adapting our practices to support specific inclusion-related needs case-by-case. Instead, many cases require a full review and a restructuring of our organisation's programmes, strategies and structures. This allows us to proactively ensure that we fully embrace true diversity and inclusivity in our organisations.
Engaging with our members in EU member states we have been able to enable more inclusive volunteering throughout Europe. We’ve built capacity in 572 people in both online and offline contexts in smaller and larger groups depending on need,  by delivering the information and the context of inclusive volunteering in 12 countries reaching 14 organisations. The training materials were prepared in 12 different EU languages plus Ukrainian and Arabic and used in the 21 different training sessions.

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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