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WhatsApp Image 2020-03-13 at

We are delighted to announce that the European Volunteer Centre (CEV) will host Capacity Building Conference LEVEL: Large Events: Volunteering, Empowerment and Learning from Wednesday 22 till Friday 24 April 2020 in the Institute for Lifecourse and Society at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

The event is organised by the European Volunteer Centre in conjunction with Volunteer IrelandGalway 2020 European Capital of CultureNUI Galway and Galway Volunteer Centre.

On Wednesday 22 April 2020 the Volunteer Ireland National Volunteer Management Conference takes place in the same venue (Further details).

Keynote speech by Jurgen Grotz, Director, Institute for Volunteering Research, University of East Anglia (UK) .

The Capacity Building conference will explore how volunteers in large events can be best recruited & managed and provide the biggest added value for the success of the event, the wider community and the volunteers themselves.

The conference will seek to identify what are the specificities of volunteering in large events and will consider how such experiences can best lead to longer term volunteering for those who are interested to further contribute as a volunteer in other contexts.

Participants will learn how the well-being of volunteers in large events can be protected and how the question of their skills development can be best approached. The motivation of volunteers in large events will also be discussed and greater understanding reached, as well as how to maintain solidarity as a basic concept central to volunteering in events.

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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