WHAT WE DO > European Volunteering Capital > Lisbon, EVCapital 2015
Lisbon, European Volunteering Capital 2015
Strengthening, Inspiring & Celebrating Volunteering and Solidarity in Europe since 2013
Lisbon European Volunteering Capital 2015 website: https://www.portugalvoluntario.pt/cs2i/homepage?dswid=-3681
Find out more about how Lisbon municipality supports its volunteering infrastructure. This presentation was delivered during the Candidates Announcement Ceremony for the European Volunteering Competitions 2016 and 2017 that took place on 8 October 2015 in Brussels, in the framework of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Municipal Volunteer Award: Award that aims to distinguish the best project & action of volunteering, that contributes, in particular, to the promotion of volunteering in the city of Lisbon.
Municipal Volunteer Program: Promoted by the Department of Social Development, gives people in Lisbon the opportunity to volunteer at the Lisbon City Council, promoting an approach to the various municipal services, to the residents and visitors of the City of Lisbon.
Mechanism for Recognition of Learning from Volunteers: multi-stakeholder volunteering collaboration that developed a mechanism for recognising of learning acquired through volunteering.
Municipality Meetings: Organised by the Municipal City Councils of Lisbon, Torres Vedras and Cascais and the Portuguese Confederation of Volunteering, and consider the main problems and solutions that Local Volunteer Banks in Portugal face when implementing their activities.
Small Fund for volunteer projects: In partnership with CPV, Lisbon City Council established the Program + Volunteering within the framework of the Lisbon EV Capital 2015 initiative. The Programme aims to financially support volunteer projects or actions that take place in the city of Lisbon and are implemented by legally constituted social and solidarity economy organisations, headquartered in the city of Lisbon or that implement relevant activity in the city.
The second edition of the EVCapital competition:
Naples (ITALY)
The deadline for applications was on 30 September 2014.
The Jury:
Eva HAMBACH- CEV President
Jana ŽITŇANSKÁ – Member of the European Parliament
Sophie BEERNAERTS – Head of Unit, Europe for Citizens Programme,
European Commission
Luca JAHIER – President of Group III of the European Economic
and Social Committee (EESC)
Roger ALBINYANA – Member of the Committee of the Regions
Joaquin DURANY – Employee Volunteering European Network (EVEN)