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Estonian Village Movement Kodukant

Full member

Contact information

Sirge 2
Tallinn 10618
Tel: +372 5665 9118


General information

NGO Estonian Village Movement Kodukant (Eesti Külaliikumine Kodukant) was established in 1997 to support and mobilize people living in the countryside. As of 2014, Kodukant is a strategic partner for Estonian Ministry of Interior in voluntary sector. In 2014, Kodukant established the Volunteer Network. It consists of 28 organisations, including regional volunteer centers and other institutions involving volunteers on regular basis. The goal of the network is to promote voluntary work and stand for the interests of volunteers and voluntary work in Estonia. Kodukant’s role is to manage the network, organize shared activities and develop the voluntary sector.

Services and Activities

Main activity of the Kodukant is to support village activity. Volunteer sector is one part of the organisation. In the volunteer sector, Kodukant is responsible for promoting volunteer work among organisations and people, stand for the interests of volunteers and organisations involving volunteers, sharing and providing information. Kodukant manages Gate for Volunteers (Vabatahtlike Värav – main informational website about volunteer sector in Estonia) and issues special newsletter on regular basis. Each year, Kodukant initiates a big recognition event for the volunteers to promote volunteer work to wider audience in Estonia.


Kodukant is providing consultation both for the organisations who would like to involve volunteers and people who are looking for the possibilities in the volunteer sector.

Kodukant has designed Volunteer Management Quality Award (called Friend of the Volunteer) to recognize and acknowledge organizations that are good working with volunteers. The benefit for applying for the Quality Award is the help from our advisers to analyze current situation in volunteer management within the organization, suggestions how to improve and develop volunteer management further on and better possibilities to promote organization to the potential (new) volunteers.

Training and education

Kodukant has a special department (Kodukant Training Centre) that provides different trainings mainly to the village communities but also to other organisations (NGOs, public authorities). Our training programs include trainings about teamwork, organisation and community development but it has also special training modules about different aspects working with volunteers (for example how to involve, manage and recognize them). Our training programs are officially approved by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.

Development of organisations and networks

With the help of Voluntary Network, Kodukant collects policies and good practices to the Gate of Volunteers. The aim is to provide organisations best examples of tools to develop an attractive environment for volunteering.

We also encourage organisations to cooperate more and share best practices with each other. Kodukant also initiates joint activities and project with the volunteer sector.

In the area of volunteer sector, Kodukant works closely with the Estonian Ministry of Interior. Kodukant participates in several work groups to contribute to the development plans of voluntary sector, respective legislation etc.


If you are interested in further information, please visit our website Visit to have more detailed information about volunteer sector in Estonia. You are also welcome to call or write to us.

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CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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