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WHAT WE DO > European projects > Current projects > Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering

European Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering

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The project aims at defining and promoting across Europe the first European Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering.


The main objectives of the project are:

  • to define and disseminate across the EU the first European Quality standards in Validation of learning from volunteering: The publication of the first version of the quality standards is expected for May 2023. Once they are published, the project partners will organise a transnational consultation open to all the actors involved in the validation process. The aim of thisconsultation is to validate the quality standards with end users and to collect feedback which couldcontribute to the improvement of the standards.

  • to facilitate the adoption of the European Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering across Europe, the project partners will produce a Manual in six languages. The manual will contain detailed guidelines and tools to facilitate to any interested party the implementation of these quality standards.

  • the organisation of the first Award in Validation of Learning from Volunteering.

Public Consultation

The partners of the eQval project are carrying out a public consultation on the development of the ‘European Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering’. This public consultation is organised within the framework of the eQval project which aims to define and promote across the EU the adoption of the ‘European Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering’.

If you represent or work for any of the actors that can be involved in the validation process (i.e. volunteers, voluntary organisations, education and training providers, enterprises, public administrations and policymakers in the field of education and training), your participation in this public consultation is much appreciated. It will only take you a few minutes and your contribution will be publicly acknowledged in the Manual ‘European Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering’ that we will publish with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Answer the survey below by August 20th 2023:

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CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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