Ente Pro Loco Italiane
Full Member
Contact information:
Viale delle Milizie 2 , 00192 Roma
Tel: +39 3398633249
Secretariat’s Email: info@enteprolocoitaliane.com
President’s Email: presidente@enteprolocoitaliane.com
Web site: www.enteprolocoitaliane.com
Instagram: prolocoepli

General Information
Ente Pro Loco Italiane (EPLI) is a Third Sector Association Network present in most Italian regions. It aims to organise cultural, artistic and recreational activities of social interest, including the promotion and dissemination of the volunteering culture and practice.
The pro loco are associations that promote and enhance Italian tangible and intangible assets and EPLI offers its affiliates the services and incentives to be able to operate in the best possible way.
Its structure is organised with an autonomous National Committee which includes the EPLI Presidents Regional Committees, together with the General Secretary and an operational coordination for the following Sectors: social, environmental, sports, legislative, planning. EPLI, which is a non-profit organisation and Social Promotion Association, in just two years has managed to involve over 1500 pro loco (end of 2023) and is operational in 13 Regions through Regional Committees. In addition to offering essential services to pro locos, EPLI is the inspiration for very important national projects as well as numerous institutional partners thanks to the Memorandums of Understanding with the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Justice. It collaborates with numerous Regions and recognised bodies such as UNCEM, CNA Tourism and Commerce and above all with the CSVNet network.
Our Activities
EPLI's most important activities include:
* AgroArcheoTrekking: promotion of the territory's tangible and intangible assets through sports practice;
* EpLibriamoci: activities taking place on World Book and Copyright Day established by UNESCO every 23 April;
*General States of Social Affairs: day dedicated to a meeting with networks dealing with social interventions;
*National Made in Italy Day: established on April 15th by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, it aims to promote typical local craftsmanship and Italian excellence in all the territories and communities where the pro loco operate;
*Quality Marks: Every year EPLI delivers to its members, through a strict regulation, three quality marks: Authentic Carnivals, Festival of Excellence, National Charter of Palios-Re-enactments and Historical Parades.