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Associazione Centri di Servizio per il Volontariato

Full member
Contact information

Via Flaminia, 53 
00196 Roma
Tel: +39 06 45504989
Fax: +39 06 45504990
Email: segreteria[at]


General information

CSVnet (National Coordination body of Voluntary Service Centres) was established in 2003 with its headquarters in Rome and Milan. The membership of the National Coordination Body is made up of 71 Voluntary Service Centres throughout Italy.

CSVnet has two main functions – representative and operational. Representative activities focus on improving the institutional relationships to help consolidate the role of CSVs in Italy. It is a permanent guest within the National Observatory of Volunteerism and has observer status at the Forum of the Third Sector, participating in working groups on International and European Policies, Communication, Publishing and Legislative technical tables.

On the operational level, CSVnet provides consultancy for CSVs and undertakes communication activities through the website, press articles and newsletters. It has organised nation-wide training activities for CSV staff in collaboration with the European Commission Representation in Italy, and promoted local information and training initiatives on European issues and funding. It provides support on national and European grants for volunteerism, and has published guidelines for CSVs on monitoring and annual social responsibility reports. CSVnet also works on organisational models and governance of CSVs and on youth volunteering.

More recently, CSVnet has employed a European Liaison Officer, to help Italian CSVs to better network on European level. The Brussels-based post is hosted and mentored by CEV.

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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