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D.G. de Participación Ciudadana y Voluntariado (Junta de Andalucía)

Contact information

Consejería de Gobernación
Plaza Nueva, 4
41071 Seville

Tel: +34 955 04 10 58
Fax: +34 955 04 11 80
Email: voluntariadoyparticipacion.cgj[at]


General information

D.G. de Participación Ciudadana y Voluntariado (Junta de Andalucía) is the Public Executive Centre that coordinates the community participation policies developed by the Andalusian Regional Government. It promotes participation in volunteer programs, as well as partnerships between economic and social stakeholders and civil society organisations. Andalusian civil society is characterised by diversity and heterogeneity, an optimal context for networking initiatives according to empowerment and action-research topics.

The Andalusian Agency for Volunteering develops long-term strategical plans, involving social movements and inclusion programs to enhance opportunities for the social integration of groups at risk of exclusion. The role of this public organisation is defined as a social mediation process, to support societal changes according to citizens’ visions of social needs, and building trust and accountability between citizens and the state.


Thus, in recent years, this organisation has promoted social innovation in various areas related to social participation and community development (including empowering civil society organisations) in order to research innovative methods and mechanisms of participation in volunteer programs developed by citizen organisations.

To do this, Andalusian Agency for Volunteering takes a part in awareness-raising programs and public recognition activities against poverty and social exclusion. Also, training initiatives are defined as a strategy to increase getting to outcomes capability of the non profit organisations (ICT based solutions are highlighted).

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