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Spring 2015 CEV Capacity Building Conference

23-24 April 2015- Zadar, Croatia

Hosted by: The Association for Civil Society Development SMART and
Volunteer Centre Osijek


The conference provided opportunities for 80 participants to get insight in innovative and new approaches to volunteer management as well as to the role of volunteer centres in the volunteering development and community as a whole.


Opening Session

Zvijezdana Schulz Vugrin, Association for Civil Society Development SMART, Croatian Volunteer Center Network

Eva Hambach,  European Volunteer Centre President

Pavle Schramadei, National Foundation for Civil Society

Ivica Vlakic, City of Zadar, Deputy Mayor

Parallel Workshops:

Day I 23 April

VCO (HR) – The Role and the Future of Volunteer Centres: The workshop provided a closer look at volunteer centres, the benefits of having a volunteer centre in the community and discussed the vision of the common “brand”.

Pro Vobis (RO) – 9 Steps Methodology in Volunteer Management: The workshop introduced to a volunteer management system based on 9 steps, from preparing the organisation to involve volunteers to evaluation of volunteers and volunteer programs. The workshop was the short version of a 5 day training on volunteer management that Pro Vobis delivers regularly. First day (23 April) covered the basics of the 9 step system and the benefits of a systemic approach on volunteer management. The second day (24 April) focused on the issues identified by the participants as important and relevant for them on all or some of the 9 steps of volunteer management. The workshop was based on participatory methodology and interactive activities aimed at stimulating the exchange of experience among participants.

Pro Vobis (RO) – Facilitating Employee Volunteering: The workshop tackled the steps needed in developing Employee Volunteering programs for NGOs and what a volunteer center should take into account when starting a service of this kind.

PERM (RU) – Techniques in Engaging Children and Youth: The workshop showcased ways to involve youngsters and children in volunteering.


Day II 24 April

Volunteer Ireland (IE) – Quality Standards in Volunteer Centres: The workshop offered an overview of the Volunteer Ireland Quality Standards Framework and Review Process and considered possible outputs, outcomes and impacts for Volunteer Centres. –Learning from our experience. What would we do differently? What are the next steps in the quality standards process?

France Benevolat (FR) – Practice in Volunteer Management: The workshop showcased best volunteering resources management practices: how to find and to keep your volunteers and current trends in Volunteering in France.

Good Network Foundation (PL) – Facilitating Online Volunteering: The workshop referred to the online volunteering management cycle for NGOs and institutions (including questions for discussion) as well as to how a volunteer centre can level up its own e-volunteering project (basic information on the types of e-volunteering projects will be discussed). Find the presentation here.

Platform of Volunteer Centres and Organisations (SK)-  Volunteer Centres as an Advocacy Mechanism: The workshop tackled the questions of what to advocate for and who is supposed to be an advocate – what are the volunteer centers advocacy topics (law on volunteering, funding for volunteer infrastructure, discounts for volunteers, etc.) and who is the voice of volunteering.- Networking and how to prevent burn out when in a position of an advocate – presentations of good stories & failures.

CNE- Portuguese Catholic Scouts (PT)- Volunteer Motivation and Economic Value: The workshop discussed the characteristics, motivations and economic value of volunteering in CNE (Portuguese Catholic Scouts).

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS_edited_edited.png

CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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