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Blueprint for European Volunteering 2030 #BEV2030

This Blueprint is organised around 5 thematic concepts:


1. Independent and inclusive engagement;

2. New volunteers and methods;

3. Empowerment;

4. Appreciation of contribution;

5. Resources for more Value.

It serves as guidance to CEV and other stakeholders concerned with volunteering, especially policymakers, regarding the steps that need to be taken for volunteering to reach its true potential.  It acknowledges that there are different cultural and legal contexts for volunteering in Europe and takes into account that the outcomes of the suggestions included will vary according to this variety of circumstances and different volunteer profiles, for example regarding age, but stresses that common values and aspects of quality indicators should be common throughout.

The Blueprint was approved by the CEV GA held in Berlin and online on 14th September 2021.

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CEV | Centre for European Volunteering

Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 


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